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Washing scrunchies by hand:

  1. Wash light and dark hair ties separately.
  2. Place the hair ties in a large bowl or sink.
  3. Fill the bowl with warm water or run the sink.
  4. Add a few drops of detergent or shampoo to the water.
  5. Clean the hair ties thoroughly with your hands.
  6. Rinse out the detergent well.
  7. Lay them on a towel or hang them up to dry.

Washing hair ties in the machine:
  1. Do not throw the hair ties into the machine alone.
  2. Place your hair ties in a laundry bag or empty pillowcase.
  3. Set the machine to the delicate cycle or hand wash.
  4. Choose warm or cold water with the lowest spin speed.
  5. Let the hair ties air dry.

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