Die 3-Schritte-Routine für lockiges Haar

The 3-Step Routine for Curly Hair

Minimalist Hair Routine for Curly Hair – Quick, Easy & Effective Curly hair can be beautiful and unique, but it needs special care to stay healthy and shiny. It's often thought that an extensi...
Die beste Pflegeroutine für deine Locken.

Finding the perfect care routine for curls

Your guide to healthy and defined curls Anyone who has naturally curly hair knows that proper hair care is the key to healthy, defined and shiny hair. But every curl structure is unique and wha...
Desert Essence hat insgesamt sechs Produktlinien, die speziell auf die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse von strukturieren Haartypen abgestimmt sind.

Desert Essence: Natural care products for curly hair

Natural hair care from the USA for healthy curls Desert Essence: Natural care for curly and wavy hair Desert Essence is an American brand that has been developing natural care products for wa...
Wenn du lockiges Haar hast, weißt du, wie wichtig die richtige Pflege ist. Zwei der beliebtesten Haarpflegeprodukte sind Conditioner und Haarkuren (Masken). Doch was ist der Unterschied und welches Produkt eignet sich besser für deine Locken?

The difference between conditioner and mask: which is right for your curly hair?

How to care for curls properly: conditioner or hair mask? To keep your curls healthy and defined, a coordinated hair care routine is important. It consists of three steps: washing, conditioning...
Optimale Lockenpflege: Tipps für definierte, gesunde Locken

Optimal curl care: tips for defined, healthy curls

A full, healthy mane of curls is not only a real eye-catcher, but also an expression of care and love. Curls can be beautiful, but also demanding to care for. Whether you want to refresh, define o...
Der ultimative Guide, um die richtigen Produkte für deinen Lockentyp zu wählen

The ultimate guide to choosing the right products for your curl type

Find the perfect products for your curl type and care for your curls naturally.
Top 5 Tipps, um deine Locken natürlich zu definieren und zu verbessern

Top 5 tips to define and enhance your curls naturally

Discover the best tips for defined, naturally beautiful curls.