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From an Idea to Siztaz

A journey in search of my natural curls.

Siztaz is the story of a woman who relied on straighteners and chemical treatments to straighten her hair for far too long. At that time, there were hardly any products with healthy ingredients that were made specifically for curly hair. When the first brands finally
with natural ingredients came onto the market, it was clear that there had to be a better way to provide easy access to truly nourishing products for Afro hair and all types of textured hair. And so the idea to create Siztaz was born.

Hi, I'm Sharon 🙋🏽‍♀️ , the founder of Siztaz. I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to find the right products for curly hair. That's exactly why I founded Siztaz - to offer you products that are not only good for your curls, but also make you feel really comfortable with your natural hair. Siztaz is about you being able to love your curls the way they are.

Sharon Hassell

Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't wear extensions or, as is currently trendy, a wig from time to time😎. The important thing is that your natural hair is well cared for 👍🏼 - that way you simply feel more confident👸🏼. Whether you're showing off your curls or trying something new, with the right care you'll always shine!

I'm an introvert by nature, but when it comes to my passions - sisterhood, product development, and purchasing - I'm happy to step out of my comfort zone to be there for you.

Step by step I want to make Siztaz more than just a shop, it is a project close to my heart and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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